Class Descriptions

Please note: The size of each class will be limited, and classes will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis, depending on when you applied to camp. The following are classes that may be offered. We will assign you according to your first, second, and third choices in EACH of the categories of classes: outreach, recreation, and life skills. You will attend the same outreach class, recreation class, and theme class throughout the week.



Bible Work: Have you ever wondered how to share what you believe? This course will show you how to study the Bible and how to share simple studies from the Bible, make friends, and find Bible study interests.

Child Evangelism: Do you love children? Do you want to let them know more about Jesus, but aren’t sure how? Child evangelism will help you teach fun Bible songs, tell captivating stories, plan creative crafts, and share your joy in reaching children for Jesus. Come join the team in preparing and presenting an engaging program for children on Sabbath afternoon.

Choir: This class is a highlight for many campers. Learn new songs, sing in parts, and touch lives around you. If these whet your appetite, then this outreach is for you! Note: Must enjoy singing!

Orchestra: This class will unite those who play instruments in order, by God’s grace to make beautiful music for the Lord. This small orchestra will play for the rest of the camp and for a nursing home on Sabbath. Sheet music will be sent in advance of camp in order for campers in the class to practice beforehand. Bring Any portable musical instrument you could play in an orchestra, a portable music stand, a pencil, and an attitude to glorify God.

Health Evangelism: In this class, you will discover the causes of diseases and how to prevent them by developing healthy habits. You’ll be preparing to teach how to look for habits that hurt vs. habits that heal, and to offer advice about simple natural remedies. On Sabbath afternoon you will practice Jesus’ method of sharing God’s love through meeting people’s physical needs.

Emotional Health: In this class, you will gain resources for dealing with depression, anxiety, and negative thoughts. This will help you personally and will provide you with the ability to help friends too!



PAINTING: Enjoy viewing the world from an artist’s perspective, as you learn the basic elements of art. Practice sketching structures and shapes, shading, and still life drawing. Bring: A sharpener, a hi-polymer eraser, sketchpad, and one pencil from each of the three following groups: (1) 8B, 7B, 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B; (2) F, HB (including the regular No. 2 HB pencils); (3) 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H.

Fitness: Being fit and strong is an important part of being able to serve God to the fullest; but, sometimes, getting started can be challenging! This class will provide you with motivation and ideas on putting together your own exercise plan.

INTERMEDIATE GUITAR: Learn music scales, the CAGED guitar system, and chord progressions on the guitar. Prerequisite: Basic guitar knowledge and experience. Bring: a guitar

KITCHEN CREATIONS: Improve your ability to prepare tasty, nutritious, plant-based food through making such items as breakfast treats, delicious dairy substitutes, an international meal, and yummy desserts.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Exposure, shutter speed, composition, aperture, white balance—A photographer will be teaching how to master these skills to achieve the perfect shot. Learn how to pose a subject and set up portraits, as well as catch those once-in-a-lifetime moments. Bring: a camera

SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS: Participate in fun science experiments and projects that point to the Master Scientist.



AUTO MECHANICS: Does the thought of fixing a flat tire or changing oil make you uncomfortable? It doesn’t have to. This class will teach you how to take care of your car’s basic needs.

BAKING: “…There is more religion in a good loaf of bread than many think.” Counsels on Health, p. 117. Join this class to learn how to bake yeast breads, unleavened breads, quick breads, and pies, and more!

FIRST AID: Learn how to act fast in a medical emergency, and possibly save someone’s life! You will also learn about some natural remedies. If you pass the written and practical skills tests, you will receive a certificate from the American Red Cross (ARC). Class fee: $35 (optional- only if you want the ARC certificate)

HOMILETICS: Are your palms sweaty when you get up front? Are you hesitant to speak in public? In this class, you will learn techniques public speaking: preparing and delivering a sermon with confidence. You might even present your message to your fellow campers on Sabbath morning!

LITERATURE EVANGELISM: You—yes, you—can be an effective colporteur! This class shows you how. After practicing your skills, you will go out into the community for actual experience. Advance preparation: We will send you a canvass to memorize before camp. Bring: Walking shoes, book bag, memorized canvass

MEDICAL MISSIONARY TRAINING: Tap into the healing power of God’s nature using simple tools and natural remedies. This class is very practical and trains you to help yourself and others. Class includes training in massage, hydrotherapy, and much more. Bring: Oral thermometer, old T-shirt, long cotton sock or dish towel you can cut up, shorts/T-shirt, The Ministry of Healing

MIDWIFERY: Catch the vision that God is the giver of life and that birth is a normal event. Learn how a mother should take care of herself before and while she’s pregnant. You will learn what an amazing Creator He is when you study how a child develops and is born.

MISSIONARY PILOT GROUND SCHOOL: Ever dream of becoming a missionary pilot? This class will give you a jumpstart toward fulfilling your dream. The basic ground school course covers what you need to know before you are ready to take to the skies. Bring: Notebook, pens or pencils, pocket calculator. Minimum age: 14. Class fee: $60 for an actual flight lesson.

WILDERNESS SURVIVAL: Wonder what you would do if you ever got lost in the wilderness? In this class you’ll learn techniques of survival in the wild using readily available items. Included will be wilderness safety, fire-starting skills, and shelter-building techniques. Weather permitting, campers will experience a night sleeping in a shelter that they built. Bring: Camp/pocketknife, small backpack, several large and small Ziploc-type bags, and a large rain poncho.

WOODWORKING: Want to learn a practical skill that will benefit you throughout your life? Enjoy working with a handy-man to learn woodworking through a useful project! Minimum age: 14. Bring: a hammer.